Product Information: "The Boondocks - The Complete First Season", is an animated series, based on the syndicated comic strip by cartoonist Aaron MacGruder . MacGruder satirizes race relations and contemporary culture in a dry, cynical way throughout this three-disc set. "The Boondocks - The Complete First Season" is available in a three-disc (DVD) set follows protagonist Huey, a 10-year-old revolutionary-in-training, and Riley, his 8-year-old brother and future gangster. These black boys have been moved from their home on Chicago's South Side to the suburban "Boondocks" to live with their grandfather, where they get into trouble and comment freely upon the idiosyncrasies--to put it mildly--of the white people in whose culture they are now immersed. In "The Boondocks - The Complete First Season", Huey and Riley debate on R. Kelly, Huey directs "The Adventures of Black Jesus" for the school Christmas play and Grandad opens up Woodcrest's first soul-food restaurant. This animated show appeared on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.