Back in the first season of this brilliant satire of race and culture based on the controversial comic strip by Aaron McGruder, intellectual 10-year-old Huey Freeman imagined an alternate reality in which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. woke up circa 2000 after a lengthy coma. That was only the beginning of the unique approach to social commentary this popular animated series has to offer. Now, Huey and the rest of the Chicago-dwelling Freeman family--Grandad Robert and troublemaking kid brother Riley--are once again at the forefront of another crop of hilarious and scathing storylines. Sarah meets R&B superstar Usher and her obsession with him grows to damaging proportions. Grandad demonstrates unconventional values when he sneaks the boys into a movie theater and later refuses to cooperate with the police even after two thieves steal his car. Punctuating the relatively mundane with the positively supernatural, Stinkmeaner's sinister spirit seeks revenge on Grandad via Tom's possessed body. This release includes every episode of the smart series' second season.