The Boondocks: the Complete Set (DVD) Product Description: The Boondocks is an American adult animated sitcom created by Aaron McGruder for Adult Swim, based on McGruder's comic strip of the same name. The Boondocks is a social satire on American culture and race relations (or racial stereotypes), revolving around the lives of the Freeman family—ten-year-old Huey, his younger eight-year-old brother Riley, and their grandfather Robert. The series was produced by Rebel Base in association with Sony Pictures Television and is currently in its fourth season. The events of The Boondocks consistently take place in the same location and period as the comic strip. The Freeman family, having recently moved from the South Side of Chicago to the quiet, peaceful fictional suburb of Woodcrest, Illinois, struggle to cope with such drastic changes around the world, while encountering different suburban cultures and lifestyles.